Defensive Driving Course Tour
Our Online defensive driving course is Arizona, Florida, and Texas State Approved for ticket dismissal, and insurance discounts by the Arizona Judical Branch, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the Texas Education Agency, the Region 13 Education Service Center, and Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations. Our state approved online defensive driving courses have no hidden fees And to top it all off, our animations and cartoons were developed by professional comedians, so it has been rated the funniest defensive driving class! Take a tour by viewing some of the sample content below, which has been taken directly from our courses
For Arizona, we have 2 options for taking our course online, which are the Text Based course, and Animated/Video course.
Text Based Course
Our text-based course includes Text, Images, Interactive pages as well as videos. This option is a great option if you have slower internet, or are on a mobile device with limited bandwidth.
With the text-based course, it is designed to allow you to move through the pages quickly and easily, navigating through the course at your own pace.
Animated/Video Course
Our Animted/Video driving course is comprised 100% of animations, videos, and interactive pages.
We have found here at Funny Defensive Driving, that students learn more while they are awake. That’s why we have put together the most comprehensive and entertaining defensive driving course around. Don't take our word for it, take a look to the left for a sample cartoon from our online course.
City Driving
Both our Text based course and Animated course have videos throughout. Funny Defensive Driving has developed many of it's own video's covering a wide range of driving safety techniques. This content can only be found on, and is streamed in High Definition format.
The video to the left is a sample of one of our HD videos covering city driving.